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Key Achievements

  • 312,000 cattle were vaccinated annually against Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia and 96% of cattle were vaccinated against Foot-and-Mouth Disease in 2018, up from 70% in 2012.

  • From 2015–18, 33,626 women received support through a women’s empowerment and livelihood project. 16,239 girls were enrolled in secondary school and 16,160 women received conditional cash transfers.

  • From 2012–18, 2.9 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services, of whom 2.5 million were women. From 2014–18, 1.8 million women and children received basic nutrition services.

  • 55.1% of births were attended by a skilled health professional in 2018, up from 27% in 2012. During the same period, 64% of health centers offered integrated management of childhood illnesses, and 3,211 health workers were trained in maternal, newborn and child health.

Key Achievements

  • 312,000 cattle were vaccinated annually against Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia and 96% of cattle were vaccinated against Foot-and-Mouth Disease in 2018, up from 70% in 2012.

  • From 2015–18, 33,626 women received support through a women’s empowerment and livelihood project. 16,239 girls were enrolled in secondary school and 16,160 women received conditional cash transfers.

  • From 2012–18, 2.9 million people received essential health, nutrition, and population services, of whom 2.5 million were women. From 2014–18, 1.8 million women and children received basic nutrition services.

  • 55.1% of births were attended by a skilled health professional in 2018, up from 27% in 2012. During the same period, 64% of health centers offered integrated management of childhood illnesses, and 3,211 health workers were trained in maternal, newborn and child health.

The World Bank

See What IDA Achieves

IDA — the World Bank’s fund for the poorest — is one of the world’s largest sources of funds, providing support for health and education, infrastructure and agriculture, and economic and institutional development.

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