IDA Results by Theme/Topic
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Why Invest in African Women and Girls? v119 beta v120 test

#IDAworks to close gender gaps by bringing girls to school, helping women gain access to vital assets, and ensuring they can obtain financing to start businesses. Watch how IDA helps increase women and adolescent girls’ empowerment and access to quality education and reproductive, child, and maternal health services. 

IDA at Work

974.9 million

People received essential health services (FY2011-2021)

71.5 million

People connected to new or improved electricity service (FY2015-2021)

111.3 million

People received access to improved water services (FY2011-2021)

The World Bank

See What IDA Achieves

IDA — the World Bank’s fund for the poorest — is one of the world’s largest sources of donor funds, providing support for health and education, infrastructure and agriculture, and economic and institutional development.

Results Measurement System