Jobs and Economic Transformation | International Development Association - World Bank | International Development Association - World Bank
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Key Achievements


From 2014–18, 19,790 underemployed youths were trained in employment skills and/or employment opportunities were provided to underemployed youth, of whom 51.4% were women. 2,991 youths received a Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle for mastery of trade skills. 14,342 youths satisfactorily completed small business and life skills training, and 1,069 master artisans received skills upgrades.

Burkina Faso

From 2013–18, 52,737 out-of-school youths were provided temporary employment and skills development opportunities. 40.2% of youth trained were employed or self-employed one year after completion of the training. 2.2 million days of work were generated, resulting in rehabilitation of 63.4 kilometers of rural roads and 51.9% of urban roads. 37,812 youths were employed through labor intensive physical work.

Kyrgyz Republic

From 2014–18, 496 private veterinarians received 7,885 days of training. 70% of farmers were satisfied with the quality of services provided by the private veterinarians.

Papua New Guinea

From 2011–18, 18,497 young people in Port Moresby have completed employment training, work placement activities, have opened new bank accounts, and undertaken 814,273 days of work. 425,388 days of work were completed by youth job corps and 341,911 days of work was completed through on-the-job-training. 2,852 youths graduated from on-the-job training with 83% of beneficiaries reporting increased knowledge, skills, and confidence to enter the labor market. 

Solomon Islands

From 2010 to 2018, construction of community infrastructure employed 13,000 people from vulnerable communities and generated more than 785,851 days of work. 52 percent of the people employed were women and 60 percent were between the ages of 16 and 29. Over USD 3 million were paid in wages to many unemployed who worked an average of 59 days. Participants have found employment with vocational education centers and were engaged as supervisors on urban road projects.


From 2016–18, 6.8 million days of work were generated for 300,639 people receiving short-term employment, of whom 47% were youth, and the most vulnerable population received access to basic services, of whom 28% were women.


Key Achievements


From 2014–18, 19,790 underemployed youths were trained in employment skills and/or employment opportunities were provided to underemployed youth, of whom 51.4% were women. 2,991 youths received a Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle for mastery of trade skills. 14,342 youths satisfactorily completed small business and life skills training, and 1,069 master artisans received skills upgrades.

Burkina Faso

From 2013–18, 52,737 out-of-school youths were provided temporary employment and skills development opportunities. 40.2% of youth trained were employed or self-employed one year after completion of the training. 2.2 million days of work were generated, resulting in rehabilitation of 63.4 kilometers of rural roads and 51.9% of urban roads. 37,812 youths were employed through labor intensive physical work.

Kyrgyz Republic

From 2014–18, 496 private veterinarians received 7,885 days of training. 70% of farmers were satisfied with the quality of services provided by the private veterinarians.

Papua New Guinea

From 2011–18, 18,497 young people in Port Moresby have completed employment training, work placement activities, have opened new bank accounts, and undertaken 814,273 days of work. 425,388 days of work were completed by youth job corps and 341,911 days of work was completed through on-the-job-training. 2,852 youths graduated from on-the-job training with 83% of beneficiaries reporting increased knowledge, skills, and confidence to enter the labor market. 

Solomon Islands

From 2010 to 2018, construction of community infrastructure employed 13,000 people from vulnerable communities and generated more than 785,851 days of work. 52 percent of the people employed were women and 60 percent were between the ages of 16 and 29. Over USD 3 million were paid in wages to many unemployed who worked an average of 59 days. Participants have found employment with vocational education centers and were engaged as supervisors on urban road projects.


From 2016–18, 6.8 million days of work were generated for 300,639 people receiving short-term employment, of whom 47% were youth, and the most vulnerable population received access to basic services, of whom 28% were women.


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