International Development Association - World Bank
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Stepping Up to Ensure the Poorest are Not Left Behind sp12 test

Over the decades, the International Development Association (IDA) has been at the forefront of helping the world's poorest. From December 14-15, IDA donor and borrower representatives will meet virtually for a historic, early twentieth replenishment (IDA20) of the multibillion-dollar fund.

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COVID-19: Our Response

The World Bank Group moved quickly to provide fast, flexible responses to help developing countries strengthen their pandemic response to COVID-19. It has delivered record levels of support to help countries protect the poor and vulnerable, reinforce health systems, maintain the private sector, and bolster economic recovery. Read More

Special Themes

IDA20 will maintain the four IDA19 special themes of climate change; fragility, conflict and violence; gender; and jobs and economic transformation; and introduce human capital as the fifth special theme.

View Current Replenishment


Managing the unavoidable and avoiding the unmanageable

Fragility, Conflict, and Violence

Breaking the cycle of conflict and poverty


Fostering gender equality and empowerment

Human Capital

Investing in people for greater equity and economic growth

Jobs and Economic Transformation

Creating good jobs, supporting a strong private sector


  • 1,810projects totaling
  • $156.8B operating in
  • 10,017locations across
  • 74countries
Explore Projects

Heeding the Call of a Country in Crisis - IDA in Yemen

IDA is laying the foundation for recovery by supporting institution-building, restoring economic opportunities, and nurturing human capital.


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More About Our Work

With IDA’s help, hundreds of millions of people have escaped poverty—through the creation of jobs, access to clean water, schools, roads, nutrition, electricity, and more.

Explore IDA's History

Through 87 events and nearly 500 archival and informational sources, the timeline explores the origins of IDA, its vital role in providing financial and knowledge resources, and the innovative ways it has supported economic and social development across the poorest countries in the world.

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"IDA is an extremely important instrument for African countries and for developing nations as a whole because of the types of loans that are made available to our States."
President of Senegal, July 17, 2021
" As long as there is poverty, there will be a need for IDA. And as long as there is IDA, there will be a need to support IDA. For our side, I think Saudi Arabia will no doubt join that effort. "
Vice Chairman and Managing Director of the Saudi Fund for Development, Saudi Arabia, October 2019
" There is such a demand, not only for Samoa but for the Pacific Island region generally, because of the vulnerability to climate change impacts. "
Minister for Climate Resilience, Grenada, October 2019