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Key Achievements

  • In Ethiopia, the National Electrification Plan focuses on “last-mile service delivery” for households, schools and local health centers, with an emphasis on reliable and affordable access for all. The Bank is currently supporting the National Plan through a $375 million IDA credit that will help bring electricity to one million households, and pilot new approaches for off-grid electrification. In March 2019, Ethiopia launched an updated version of the Plan (NEP 2.0), which includes a detailed framework for the integration of off-grid technologies with grid connectivity to achieve universal access by 2025.
  • In Dakar, Senegal, we are working with partners to help develop a new transport system aimed at moving 300,000 passengers per day. The Dakar Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Pilot Project will improve travel conditions and reduce by half the average rush hour in-vehicle travel time by public transport. Senegal's NDC lists the BRT as central to reducing the country’s transport-related carbon emissions.
  • In Bangladesh, the NDC-Support Facility is supporting the development of the country’s inland waterway transport sector. Through a pilot exercise some of Bangladesh’s cargo transport along the Dhaka-Chittagong corridor is shifting to inland waterways which would reduce emissions, lower transaction costs for suppliers and improve the reliability and efficiency of freight transport in the country.
  • Due to their size and location, Small Island Developing States are disproportionately affected by climate change. In a bid to enhance their overall climate resilience, the Bank has substantially increased assistance to the transport sector in many of these countries, with a clear focus on adaptation. For instance, the Pacific Climate-Resilient Transport Program is currently under implementation in Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu, with more countries expected to join in a second phase.
  • The West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAP), a regional program involving 13 countries and multiple partners, helped develop climate-smart varieties of staple crops, such as rice, banana plantain and maize. Collaboration with cooperative and extension workers across West Africa helped deliver 233 improved technologies including climate-smart crop varieties to farmers; provided climate-smart technologies such as post-harvest and food processing technologies; and trained farmers on climate-smart practices such as composting and agroforestry. Farmers also gained access to technologies such as efficient water harvesting systems. As of July 2019, the project had directly helped more than 9.6 million people and more than 7.6 million hectares of land be more productive, resilient and sustainable. Beneficiary yields and incomes have grown by an average of about 30%, improving food security for about 50 million people in the region.

Key Achievements

  • In Ethiopia, the National Electrification Plan focuses on “last-mile service delivery” for households, schools and local health centers, with an emphasis on reliable and affordable access for all. The Bank is currently supporting the National Plan through a $375 million IDA credit that will help bring electricity to one million households, and pilot new approaches for off-grid electrification. In March 2019, Ethiopia launched an updated version of the Plan (NEP 2.0), which includes a detailed framework for the integration of off-grid technologies with grid connectivity to achieve universal access by 2025.
  • In Dakar, Senegal, we are working with partners to help develop a new transport system aimed at moving 300,000 passengers per day. The Dakar Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Pilot Project will improve travel conditions and reduce by half the average rush hour in-vehicle travel time by public transport. Senegal's NDC lists the BRT as central to reducing the country’s transport-related carbon emissions.
  • In Bangladesh, the NDC-Support Facility is supporting the development of the country’s inland waterway transport sector. Through a pilot exercise some of Bangladesh’s cargo transport along the Dhaka-Chittagong corridor is shifting to inland waterways which would reduce emissions, lower transaction costs for suppliers and improve the reliability and efficiency of freight transport in the country.
  • Due to their size and location, Small Island Developing States are disproportionately affected by climate change. In a bid to enhance their overall climate resilience, the Bank has substantially increased assistance to the transport sector in many of these countries, with a clear focus on adaptation. For instance, the Pacific Climate-Resilient Transport Program is currently under implementation in Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu, with more countries expected to join in a second phase.
  • The West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAP), a regional program involving 13 countries and multiple partners, helped develop climate-smart varieties of staple crops, such as rice, banana plantain and maize. Collaboration with cooperative and extension workers across West Africa helped deliver 233 improved technologies including climate-smart crop varieties to farmers; provided climate-smart technologies such as post-harvest and food processing technologies; and trained farmers on climate-smart practices such as composting and agroforestry. Farmers also gained access to technologies such as efficient water harvesting systems. As of July 2019, the project had directly helped more than 9.6 million people and more than 7.6 million hectares of land be more productive, resilient and sustainable. Beneficiary yields and incomes have grown by an average of about 30%, improving food security for about 50 million people in the region.
The World Bank

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IDA — the World Bank’s fund for the poorest — is one of the world’s largest sources of funds, providing support for health and education, infrastructure and agriculture, and economic and institutional development.

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