IDA-IFC-MIGA Private Sector Window | IDA18 Replenishment | Replenishments | Financing | International Development Association - World Bank
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    Making Housing Affordable and Accessible in Tanzania

    To overcome the challenges of providing citizens with affordable housing, Tanzania, thanks to IDA, created a refinancing company to make loans affordable.

  • The World Bank

    Catalyzing Investment for Impact

    Working with IFC and MIGA, IDA blends concessional funds with private investments to mitigate specific risks for high-impact development projects.

PSW Facilities at-a-glance


Risk Mitigation Facility

This facility will provide project-based guarantees without sovereign indemnity to crowd-in private investment in large infrastructure projects and public private partnerships (PPPs) supported by IFC.

The World Bank

Blended Finance Facility

This facility will blend PSW funds with pioneering IFC investments across sectors with high development impact, including small and medium-size enterprises, agribusiness, health, education, affordable housing, infrastructure, climate change mitigation and adaptation, among others.

The World Bank

Local Currency Facility

This facility will provide local currency solutions to reduce currency risk for impactful projects in countries where such solutions are absent or underdeveloped.

The World Bank

MIGA Guarantee Facility

This facility will expand the coverage of MIGA guarantees through shared first-loss and risk participation akin to reinsurance, for investments such as those in infrastructure, agribusiness, manufacturing and services, financial markets and PPPs.