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Key Achievements

  • The Government of Rwanda has leveraged investments in nutrition and child-sensitive social protection, basic education, primary health, and agriculture intensification to boost early-childhood development (ECD). The multisectoral stunting reduction program, which builds on Rwanda's national ECD strategic plan, focuses on 13 high-priority districts with the highest stunting rates, along with four additional districts with high poverty rates. In these districts, poor families with pregnant women and/or young children below two years old benefit from nutrition-sensitive direct support (NSDS) cash transfers, combined with demand-side incentives, to avail themselves of maternal and child health services.

Key Achievements

  • The Government of Rwanda has leveraged investments in nutrition and child-sensitive social protection, basic education, primary health, and agriculture intensification to boost early-childhood development (ECD). The multisectoral stunting reduction program, which builds on Rwanda's national ECD strategic plan, focuses on 13 high-priority districts with the highest stunting rates, along with four additional districts with high poverty rates. In these districts, poor families with pregnant women and/or young children below two years old benefit from nutrition-sensitive direct support (NSDS) cash transfers, combined with demand-side incentives, to avail themselves of maternal and child health services.
The World Bank

See What IDA Achieves

IDA — the World Bank’s fund for the poorest — is one of the world’s largest sources of funds, providing support for health and education, infrastructure and agriculture, and economic and institutional development.

Results Measurement System