Fragility, Conflict and Violence Envelope | International Development Association - World Bank | International Development Association - World Bank
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IDA19 marked the creation of a new envelope of allocations for countries facing acute risks of fragility, conflict and violence (FCV), drawing on lessons learned during IDA18.  

The new envelope is comprised of three FCV-related country allocations, which come in addition to the performance-based country resources (PBA) allocated based on Country Performance Ratings (CPR):

  • ​The Prevention and Resilience Allocation (PRA) provides enhanced support for countries at risk of falling into high-intensity conflict or large-scale violence, based on government commitment and agreed milestones.
  • The Remaining Engaged during Conflict Allocation (RECA) enables IDA to maintain a base level of engagement in a small number of countries that experience high-​​intensity conflict and have extremely limited ​government capacity.
  • The Turn Around Allocation (TAA) supports countries emerging from a period of conflict, social/political crisis or disengagement, where there is a window of opportunity to pursue reforms that can accelerate a transition out of fragility and build resilience, based on government commitment and agreed milestones.

The IDA19 FCV Envelope replaces the previous system linked to the IDA Special Allocation Index (ISAI) based on Post-conflict Performance Indicators (PCPI).

More details on the allocation process for the FCV envelope are described in Annex 3 of the IDA19 Replenishment Report (pdf).