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The World Bank

IDA Country Performance Ratings (CPR)

The World Bank’s IDA Resource Allocation Index (IRAI) is calculated based on the results of the annual Country Policy and Institutional Assessments exercise that covers the IDA eligible countries

IDA's resources are allocated on the basis of Country Performance Ratings (CPR). The CPR was simplified during the IDA15 Replenishment discussions to enhance the transparency of resource flows. The CPR now consists of a linear combination of clusters A-C of the CPIA ratings (with a weight of 24 percent), Cluster D of the CPIA rating (with a weight of 68 percent) and portfolio performance rating (with a weight of 8 percent).

 Country Performance Rating (CPR) = (0.24 * CPIAA-C + 0.68 * CPIAD + 0.08 * PPR)



For further details on how the ratings are prepared, please refer to Annex 2 of the IDA19 Replenishment Report (page 114) (pdf).

Historical Series

CPR 2015-2018 (pdf)

CPR 2013 and 2014 (pdf)

CPR 2006-2012 (pdf)

• These scores are a product of the staff of the World Bank and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Executive Directors or the governments they represent.
• When interpreting the assessment scores, it should be noted that the criteria are designed in a development-neutral manner. Accordingly, higher scores can be attained by a country that, given its stage of development, has a policy and institutional framework that more strongly fosters growth and poverty reduction.