IDA13 Replenishment | Replenishments | Financing | International Development Association - World Bank
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IDA13 Replenishment

The IDA13 replenishment negotiations were successfully concluded in London, United Kingdom on July 1, 2002. Final Report (pdf) In July of 2002, donor representatives ("IDA Deputies") concluded negotiations of the 13th replenishment of IDA and agreed on a framework for the projected IDA13 program and its associated financing needs. The IDA13 replenishment will make possible the commitment of SDR 18 billion (about $23 billion) to poor IDA members over the next three years, beginning on July 1, 2002.


The IDA13 replenishment negotiations were successfully concluded in London, United Kingdom on July 1, 2002.

Final Report (pdf)

In July of 2002, donor representatives ("IDA Deputies") concluded negotiations of the 13th replenishment of IDA and agreed on a framework for the projected IDA13 program and its associated financing needs. The IDA13 replenishment will make possible the commitment of SDR 18 billion (about $23 billion) to poor IDA members over the next three years, beginning on July 1, 2002. Within the IDA13 framework, donor representatives agreed on the increased use of IDA grants to help address the special difficulties faced by the poorest and most vulnerable countries.

The framework also provides for the establishment of a results-based measurement system to link IDA programs to countries' development outcomes. The IDA13 replenishment discussions were opened up to representatives of borrowing countries and civil society, and background policy documents were made publicly available on the Bank's website. In addition, a draft of the Deputies' report was posted on this site for public comment, and feedback was incorporated into the final version of the report. The background papers discussed by Deputies and borrower representatives are provided below.

Fifth Meeting. The fifth and final meeting of the IDA13 Replenishment negotiations was held in London, United Kingdom on May 1-2, 2002.

Background and Technical Notes (pdf):

Fourth Meeting. The fourth meeting of the IDA13 Replenishment negotiations was held in Montreux, Switzerland on December 6-7, 2001.

Discussion Papers:

Background and Technical Notes:

Third Meeting. The third meeting of the IDA13 Replenishment negotiations was held in Paris, France on October 22-24, 2001.

Discussion Papers:

Background and Technical Notes:

Second Meeting. The second meeting of the IDA13 Replenishment negotiations was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on June 6-7, 2001.

Discussion Papers:

Background and Technical Notes:

First Meeting. The first meeting of the IDA13 Replenishment negotiations was held in Paris, France on February 27 - March 1, 2001.

Discussion Papers:

Background and Technical Notes: