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IDA19 Replenishment

IDA19 builds on the strong momentum of IDA18 to accelerate progress toward the World Bank Group Twin Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals. Under the overarching theme of "Ten Years to 2030: Growth, People, and Resilience," IDA19 supports the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries to implement country-driven solutions that are people-centered, boost economic growth, and bolster resilience to climate shocks and natural disasters.

The final IDA19 replenishment meeting took place in Stockholm, Sweden from December 12 to 13, 2019. A global coalition of development partners agreed on a historic $82 billion financing package for IDA countries for fiscal years 2021-2023, representing a 3%-increase in real terms compared to IDA18. The 19th replenishment will cover the period from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2023. Please see Press Release.

Every three years, donors meet to replenish IDA resources and review its policy framework. The replenishment process typically consists of four formal meetings held over the course of one year.

Final Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden from December 12 to 13, 2019.

IDA19 Final Replenishment Report: Ten Years to 2030: Growth, People, Resilience

Final report in French (pdf) | Spanish (pdf)

The public comment period for the draft IDA19 Deputies’ Report has ended. Comments (pdf) received during the public comment period and IDA team’s responses (pdf).     

Third Meeting. The third IDA19 replenishment meeting took place in Washington D.C. from October 21 to 22, 2019. See Co-Chairs' Summary. The following paper were discussed.

Second Meeting. The second IDA19 replenishment meeting took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from June 17 to 20, 2019. See Co-Chairs' Summary. The following papers were discussed.

First Meeting. The first IDA19 replenishment meeting took place in Washington D.C. from April 14 to 15, 2019. The following paper was discussed.

Debt Vulnerabilities in IDA Countries: Policy Options for IDA19

Launch of IDA19 replenishment: The IDA19 was launched in Livingstone, Zambia on November 15, 2018. The IDA19 Replenishment cycle provides an opportunity to deepen the discussion on issues facing IDA countries and seeks partners’ guidance on policy and financing approaches to address them. See Co-Chairs' Summary.