IDA16 Replenishment | Replenishments | Financing | International Development Association - World Bank
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IDA16 Replenishment

"Final Meeting. The IDA16 Replenishment process concluded in Brussels, Belgium, on December 14-15, 2010. For the outcome of the meeting, please see Press Release and Chairperson Summary: IDA: Delivering Development Results, IDA16 Replenishment Final Report. Donor Contributions to IDA16 Replenishment (pdf) Third Meeting. The Third IDA16 Replenishment Meeting was held in Washington, DC, on October 11-12, 2010. The discussions focused on IDA's results framework, the proposed Crisis Response Window, IEG's update on IDA controls, and IDA16 financing framework."


Final Meeting. The IDA16 Replenishment process concluded in Brussels, Belgium, on December 14-15, 2010. For the outcome of the meeting, please see Press Release and Chairperson Summary:

Third Meeting. The Third IDA16 Replenishment Meeting was held in Washington, DC, on October 11-12, 2010. The discussions focused on IDA's results framework, the proposed Crisis Response Window, IEG's update on IDA controls, and IDA16 financing framework. See Chairperson Summary and meeting papers:

Second Meeting. The Second IDA16 Replenishment Meetingtook place in Bamako, Mali on June 16-18, 2010. See Chairperson Summary (pdf) and meeting papers:

First Meeting. The First IDA16 Replenishment Meeting took place in Paris, France, on March 3-4, 2010. At the meeting, Deputies and borrowing country representatives discussed IDA's challenges and strategic directions, as well as the proposed special themes for IDA16: fragile states, gender, crises response and climate change. See Chairperson Summary and meeting papers: