IDA18 Mid-Term Review | IDA18 Replenishment | Replenishments | International Development Association - World Bank
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IDA18 Mid-Term Review Chrome95,96

IDA Deputies and IDA Borrower Representatives attended the IDA18 Mid-Term Review (MTR) meeting in Livingstone, Zambia, from November 13 to November 14, 2018. See Co-Chairs' Summary. As part of the IDA18 mid-course corrections arising out of the MTR, on January 15, 2019, the Board approved the reallocations of $2 billion across IDA18 windows, including a $400 million exceptional allocation to Yemen. Additionally, the Board approved several operational adjustments including to the IDA’s Refugee Sub-Window and the IFC-MIGA Private Sector Window (PSW). See more detail here.


IDA Deputies and IDA Borrower Representatives attended the IDA18 Mid-Term Review (MTR) meeting in Livingstone, Zambia, from November 13 to November 14, 2018. See Co-Chairs' Summary.

As part of the IDA18 mid-course corrections arising out of the MTR, on January 15, 2019, the Board approved the reallocations of $2 billion across IDA18 windows, including a $400 million exceptional allocation to Yemen. Additionally, the Board approved several operational adjustments including to the IDA’s Refugee Sub-Window and the IFC-MIGA Private Sector Window (PSW).  See more detail here.

The following papers were discussed: